Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pinterest Project

This super-cheap project was created in an afternoon between making kabobs and chasing Branflake.

"Eat" Curtain

There really is nothing to this project it you can draw at least a little bit. 

I used some burlap leftover from my Laundry sign knock-off. It was a little wrinkly because I just threw it into my scrap bin without folding it up nice and neat. An iron corrected that quickly enough.

My sewing machine is still on the fritz and I don't have the patience to deal with it right now so I opted to hot glue my bottom seam and curtain rod pocket. I didn't bother with side seams.

Then I just free-handed the lettering, spoon, and fork with a sharpie. I didn't press down hard; just used gentle strokes until I'd accomplished the look I was going for.

Super easy. Super Cheap.